


The Asia-Pacific Pathogen Genomics Network was established by leading experts across the region to advance public health through the utilisation of pathogen genomics.



  • Provide end-to-end technical capability and capacity across the Asia-Pacific for access to and implementation of pathogen genomics

  • Define and promote international best-practice approaches for equitable access to pathogen genomics for public health, within a sustainable framework for our region

  • Develop and implement procedures and policies that allow for data sharing to support bioinformatic and epidemiological analysis to enhance outbreak response and surveillance

  • Provide access to teaching and training activities to enhance public health pathogen genomics

  • Maintain a coordinated public health pathogen genomics network to advise and interact with country level and regional laboratory and public health networks, government, policy makers, the World Health Organization, and other relevant stakeholders



  • To support implementation of genomics into clinical and public health microbiology.

  • To develop a framework to facilitate consistency in the use of pathogen genomics for public health and the detection of emerging threats, including antimicrobial resistance.

  • To facilitate sharing of pathogen genomics data and knowledge, including for COVID-19, antimicrobial resistant pathogens, tuberculosis, and other pathogens of significance, in a collaborative and responsible manner, in order to improve public health and pandemic preparedness activities across the Asia-Pacific region.

  • To facilitate the development of projects to enhance equitable access to pathogen genomics across the Asia-Pacific region, including exploring possibilities for grants and funding to support capacity building, training, and translational research.


Pathogen genomics for public health

Pathogen whole genome sequencing (pathogen genomics) is a transformative technology that enables rapid, precise, and accurate pathogen characterisation for national and international comparison, contributing to public health responses for communicable disease control. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for equitable access to pathogen genomics for public health surveillance, outbreak detection and response.

To address this, the World Health Organization (WHO) Western Pacific Regional Office formed the Western Pacific Region Emerging Molecular Pathogen Characterization Technologies (EMPaCT) Surveillance Network. The EMPaCT Surveillance Network inaugural meeting was held in September 2021 and provided recommendations on increasing access and strengthening pathogen genomics capacity across the Western Pacific Region. The meeting particularly highlighted the need for greater understanding of, and collaboration between, laboratories undertaking or interested in genomics to support public health surveillance.