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Western Pacific Region Emerging Molecular Pathogen Characterisation Technologies (EMPaCT) Surveillance Network

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a rapid increase in the need for and access to whole genome sequencing. Sequencing capacity varies significantly within and among Member States of the WHO Western Pacific Region. To address this, the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office formed the Western Pacific Region Emerging Molecular Pathogen Characterization Technologies (EMPaCT) Surveillance Network, with the inaugural meeting held in 2021. The EMPaCT Surveillance Network meeting provided recommendations on increasing access and strengthening whole genome sequencing capacity across the Western Pacific Region.

The EMPaCT meeting highlighted the need for greater understanding of, and collaboration between, laboratories undertaking or interested in WGS to support public health surveillance. The Asia-Pacific Pathogen Genomics Network will the priorities identified by EMPaCT, and will support key activities relating to WGS capacity building and training across our region.

The Asia-Pacific Pathogen Genomics Network is a key partner of the WHO WPRO, to support the public health pathogen genomics program.

Capacity building and training

Dedicated training facilities

Established partnerships

Models of capacity building and training

Facilitating equitable access to whole-genome sequencing (WGS) services